Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Testing if Blogger account created with Yahoo email will be deleted ater 9 months

I have created 2 Blogger accounts and 2 blogs
Test Blogger Permanency using gmail address

Test Blogger Permanency 2 using gmail address

using gmail addresses both of which will not be accessed for 1 year to see if the gmail addresses plus the Blogger accounts and blogs will be deleted. This is because while Blogger blogs don't expire, gmail addresses will be deleted if not accessed after 9 months. Blogger account and gmail address are tied up with the same Google account.

This blog is to test if the Blogger account created with a Yahoo email address will be deleted if not accessed after 9 months. this blog and the Blogger account is created today, 20 September 2007. I hope to remember to check in one year's time - 19 September 2008.